Can I have an abortion in Sicily?

Can I have an abortion in Sicily?

You can have an abortion in Sicily, but we advise caution. This is because we have heard from women in Malta who have been referred to providers in Sicily of dubious quality and legality, paid several thousands Euro, and received a suboptimal and possibly unsafe service. Abortion in Italy is only allowed in the first 90 days (12 weeks and 6 days) of pregnancy, which is strict compared to other European countries.
You would be better off arranging travel to England or the Netherlands especially considering that nowadays there is usually not much difference in price between a ferry ticket and an air ticket. England and the Netherlands allow abortion up to 24 weeks and 23 weeks respectively, giving you more time and lee-way to prepare your journey. The prices for an abortion in England are also quite reasonable, starting from around 800 Euros for pregnancies of under 14 weeks.
For help and financial assistance with arranging your trip to an abortion clinic abroad, we recommend you consult with Abortion Support Network.

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