Can I use painkillers (analgesia) during an abortion with pills?

Can I use painkillers (analgesia) during an abortion with pills?

For many people, pain during an abortion with pills is strong, and is usually experienced as cramps. It is difficult to know how strong the pain might be for you. For most women the pain feels like that of a period, but stronger. As a precaution, you should painkillers with food approximately 1 hour before the Misoprostol. You can take another dose of painkillers four to six hours after the first one.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like IbuprofenDiclofenac or Mefenamic acid are the most effective painkillers for reducing the pain during an abortion. Some of them, such as Ibuprofen, do not need a doctor's prescription. If you cannot obtain these, Paracetamol can be used but it may not be as effective as NSAIDs. Please read the package instructions of your painkillers carefully to know the maximum doses that you can take.
Do NOT use anti-spasmodics like Buscopan (Hyoscine). Because Misoprostol makes your uterus contract in order to push out the pregnancy, anti-spasmodics might interfere with the abortion process by relaxing the uterus.
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