I feel guilty about having an abortion. How can I feel better?

I feel guilty about having an abortion. How can I feel better?

It is normal to be concerned, anxious, or have negative feelings about having an abortion, especially in a country such as Malta where abortion (and other things related to sex) still carry a lot of shame and stigma.
You should know that many women have an abortions. For example, in the UK - a country where abortion is legal and statistics on abortion are accurate and complete - one in three women will have an abortion by the time they are 45 year old.
Although Malta does not keep statistics on abortion, we know that hundreds of abortion pill kits are sent to Malta each year, and many women from Malta travel to other countries to have an abortion in clinic.
If you decide to have an abortion, you are not alone. Through our Family Planning Advisory Service we have heard from many women in Malta who need an abortion. Maltese women are no exception; they need abortions just like other women abroad. We have heard from women who already have children and cannot afford another one, we have heard from women in abusive relationships who do not want to give birth to their abuser's child, we have heard from students who need to continue their studies, and we have heard from women who are told their fetus has an anomaly and will not survive. Maltese women have abortions for many reasons, and every reason is valid.
You do not have to feel ashamed if you are Maltese and need an abortion. Maltese women need abortions just like anyone else.
If you would like to discuss your options with a pro-choice counsellor, please contact FPAS.
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