Should I choose a medical or surgical abortion?

Should I choose a medical or surgical abortion?

Whenever possible, women should have a choice of abortion method, and this is according to guidance of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages.
An abortion with pills (also known as medical abortion) is the cheaper option and can be performed in the privacy of one's home, although it is recommended to have a trusted person with you during the abortion. Bleeding and cramps tend to stronger after a medical abortion than a surgical one, especially if you do not have painkillers at home.
A surgical abortion is, in most cases, a quick procedure in a clinic. Pain control is usually better in a clinic and bleeding after a surgical abortion tends to be less than after a medical abortion. However, the main barrier to surgical abortions for women in Malta is the cost. Travelling to abortion clinic abroad and having to pay for the procedure privately often runs up thousands of Euros in costs, although charities such as Abortion Support Network could help you cover some of the costs.
The legal status of the abortion is also a factor that some women consider. Taking abortion pills in Malta is illegal, although prosecutions are rare. Having an abortion in a clinic abroad, as long as it is done according to laws in that country, is not illegal and cannot be prosecuted in Malta.
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