What are the advantages and disadvantages of the mini pill?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the mini pill?

The mini pill (also known as progestogen-only pill) is a type of contraceptive pill that contains only one hormone - a progestogen. It is different than other contraceptive pills that contain two hormones - a progestogen and an oestrogen. The mini pill has a number of advantages and disadvantages:
  • like other contraceptive pills, it does not interrupt sex
  • you can use it when breastfeeding
  • it's useful if you cannot take the hormone oestrogen, which is in the combined contraceptive pills, and the vaginal ring
  • you can use it at any age
  • you may not have regular periods while taking it – your periods may be lighter, more frequent, or may stop altogether, and you may get spotting between periods
  • it is more likely to cause breakthrough bleeding than the combined pill
  • like other contraceptive pills, it does not protect you against STIs
  • you need to remember to take it at or around the same time every day, and you will be at risk of pregnancy if you miss just one dose - with the combined pill you would need to miss more than one dose to be at risk of pregnancy
  • some medicines, such as those that treat TB, HIV, or epilepsy, can make the mini pill less effective