What are the disadvantages of a contraceptive implant?

What are the disadvantages of a contraceptive implant?

You'll need a small procedure by a doctor to insert and remove the implant. Be sure to remember to replace it or use a different contraceptive after its time is up, otherwise you can get pregnant.
This contraceptive doesn't protect you against sexually transmitted infections (STIs). You'll need to use a condom too during sex if there is a risk of a sexually transmitted infection.
For the first few months after insertion, you may notice some bloating, mood changes, headaches, breast tenderness or acne. These are due to the hormone in the implant and usually get better with time as your body adjusts to it. 
It is common for periods to stop completely after a while on the implant. Some women also get persistent spotting of blood.
Some women might not be able to use it if they suffer from liver disease, have breast cancer or had it in the past, or have a history of heart disease, stroke, or other vascular disease. You also cannot use it if you think you might be pregnant. Discuss your medical history with your doctor to make sure this contraceptive is suitable for you.
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