What happens after I take abortion pills?

What happens after I take abortion pills?

After taking Mifepristone, usually not much happens. Many women do not notice anything, some may experience nausea, and some may see some spotting. Most women are able to continue working after taking Mifepristone.
After taking Misoprostol, the miscarriage starts and the symptoms can be unpleasant. They include bleeding and cramping pains, which are typically heavier than a period. The bleeding and cramps usually get much lighter after about 5 hours. Painkillers such as Ibuprofen or Mefenamic acid help to reduce the pain. Having bleeding and pain are in themselves positive signs and mean that the abortion is progressing as intended. Seeing clots is also normal, although it is very rare to see a formed embryo. If there is not much bleeding after taking Misoprostol, repeat doses should be taken.
It is normal to have on and off bleeding and cramps for up to three weeks after the abortion. The body takes time to clear the pregnancy.
The following are not normal symptoms of a miscarriage, and you should seek help if you experience these:
- Heavy bleeding (fills more than 4 maxi pads in 2 hours)
- Severe abdominal pain that is constant and does not respond to painkillers
- A fever
- A smelly (infected) vaginal discharge
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