What happens if I take abortion pills when I am not pregnant?

What happens if I take abortion pills when I am not pregnant?

Sometimes, women take abortion pills when they are not pregnant. This may happen when they think they are pregnant but do not confirm it with a pregnancy test, or when the pregnancy test gives a wrong or invalid result, or when there was a pregnancy but it was miscarried naturally.
Your health will not be harmed if you are not pregnant when you use abortion pills. However, you may still experience the side effects of the medicines, including nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal cramps, and a low fever. These side effects usually go away within a few hours.
Research has found that there is no medical harm and only few side effects when Mifepristone is used by non-pregnant individuals.  Misoprostol is regularly used by non-pregnant people to prevent and treat stomach ulcers.
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