Feticide is induced death of the fetus and is only required in abortions of over 23 weeks. In abortions prior to 23 weeks, the fetus is not yet viable.
The procedure is performed in abortion clinics, and is usually performed in cases of fatal fetal anomaly. It involves an injection through the abdomen to stop the fetal heartbeat.
A thin needle is placed through the abdomen into the fluid surrounding the pregnancy
or the fetal heart, and a medicine to stop the heartbeat is injected. It can take several
hours for the heartbeat and fetal movements to stop if the injection was made into the fluid around the fetus.
The procedure takes between 10 to 15 minutes and does not require a general anaesthetic.
Feticide is NOT required in pregnancies of under 23 weeks because in such cases the fetus is not yet viable and cannot live outside the womb.