Abortion in a Clinic (Surgical Abortion)
How is a surgical abortion in a clinic performed?
For pregnancies of up to 14 weeks, it is performed with a local anaesthetic and involves inserting a small tube into the uterus and aspirating the pregnancy. This is called vacuum aspiration. For this procedure you can expect to be at the clinic for ...
What is dilatation and evacuation (D&E)?
Dilatation and evacuation (D&E) is a surgical abortion method performed on pregnancies of over 15 weeks. This method uses instruments and suction to remove the pregnancy while you are asleep. It is usually performed between 15 and 24 weeks of ...
What are the possible complications of vacuum aspiration?
Like any other surgical procedure, an abortion by vacuum aspiration carries some risks that you should be aware of. Significant, unavoidable or frequently occurring risks: These are usually easy to treat and rarely have any long-term health effects: ...
What are the possible complications of dilatation and evacuation (D&E)?
Like any other surgical procedure, an abortion by dilatation and evaculation (D&E) carries some risk that you should be aware of. Significant, unavoidable or frequently occurring risks: These are usually easy to treat and rarely have any long-term ...
What is feticide?
Feticide is induced death of the fetus and is only required in abortions of over 23 weeks. In abortions prior to 23 weeks, the fetus is not yet viable. The procedure is performed in abortion clinics, and is usually performed in cases of fatal fetal ...
Which abortion clinics accept women from Malta?
The following is a list of clinics in England, the Netherlands, and Spain, that offer abortion services to women from Malta. These clinics work with Abortion Support Network if you need help paying for your abortion. Most of these clinics are located ...
Which is the best European country for an abortion in clinic?
Your choice of country to travel to will depend on two main factors: the abortion law in that country and your travel documents. Most EU countries, with notable exceptions of Poland and Malta, allow abortion on demand in the first trimester of ...
How do I get an abortion in a clinic abroad?
Apart from using abortion pills, the other main way women in Malta have abortions is by travelling to clinics abroad. This usually involves the following: Identifying appropriate countries and clinics. Contacting clinics and agreeing appointment ...
I cannot afford an abortion. How can I get help?
We recommend contacting the Abortion Support Network on 27780991. Their website is www.asn.org.uk/malta and their email is malta@asn.org.uk. Abortion Support Network is a charity that can provide advice, assistance, and financial support to women who ...
How quick is the recovery from a surgical abortion?
Recovery is usually very quick and most women return to work after a day or two. Bleeding after a surgical abortion can continue for 1-2 weeks and usually resembles a period. Bleeding is usually less heavy than after a medical abortion (abortion with ...
Are there abortion clinics in Malta?
There are no legitimate abortion clinics in Malta so if you need a surgical abortion you will have to travel abroad. The usual destinations for women in Malta are England (UK) and the Netherlands. Italy has been popular in the past but keep in mind ...
Will I get in trouble for having an abortion abroad?
No, as long as it is done according to the laws in that country. Different countries have different abortion laws and the law that applies is the one of the country where the abortion takes place. Malta's law that prohibits abortion in all ...
How long will I need to stay in an abortion clinic? How long does the abortion take?
If you are less than 14 weeks pregnant and are having a simple vacuum aspiration, the procedure takes about 5-10 minutes from start to finish and you will usually be awake during the procedure. You will then be monitored in a recovery area for 30 to ...
Will I be given an anaesthetic during a surgical abortion?
In almost all cases, some form of anaesthesia or sedation is used during a surgical abortion. The type of anaesthesia used depends on how advanced the pregnancy is, and your personal preferences. There are three main options: - Local anaesthetic: ...
Can you tell me about abortion clinics in the UK (England)?
Abortion in the UK is allowed in most cases up to 24 weeks of pregnancy, although there is no limit for cases of fetal anomaly and for cases when the pregnant woman's health is at significant risk. The main abortion providers in the UK are BPAS, MSI ...
Can I have an abortion in Sicily?
You can have an abortion in Sicily, but we advise caution. This is because we have heard from women in Malta who have been referred to providers in Sicily of dubious quality and legality, paid several thousands Euro, and received a suboptimal and ...
Can you tell me about abortion clinics in the Netherlands (Holland)?
Although England remains a popular destination with women in Malta who need to have an abortion in a clinic, the Netherlands is also a very viable option due to its progressive abortion laws allowing abortion up to 23 weeks in most cases, and the ...