Abortion Options and Methods
I live in Malta. How can I get an abortion?
There are different ways to have an abortion, and there are many providers of abortion services. The options available to you depend on your stage of pregnancy. You can determine how many weeks pregnant you are by counting from the first day of your ...
How much will an abortion cost?
This will depend on the abortion method chosen, and how far along you are in your pregnancy. An abortion with pills is considerably cheaper than an abortion in a clinic. Women on Web and Women Help Women are providers of abortion pills that can be ...
Should I choose a medical or surgical abortion?
Whenever possible, women should have a choice of abortion method, and this is according to guidance of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. An abortion with pills (also known as ...
What does Malta's law say about abortion?
Malta has a complete ban on abortion, with the law completely prohibiting abortion and criminalising the act of abortion for both the abortion provider and the woman seeking abortion. The law provides no exceptions, which means abortion in Malta is ...
Where can I get more information on abortion?
If you want more detailed information on abortion options, methods, and sources of support, you can read our dedicated abortion information page on our website. If you want even more detailed information than that available on our website, have a ...
How do I find out how long I have been pregnant?
You can make an approximate calculation of how long you have been pregnant by counting from the first day of your last menstrual period (LMP) to the present. This is only accurate if you have regular periods. The most accurate way of dating the ...
I have been told my fetus has an anomaly or syndrome. How can I get an abortion?
Abortions in these circumstances can happen in the later stages of pregnancy, depending on when the anomaly is detected. Couples who receive this diagnosis and want to opt for abortion will have to travel outside of Malta. The UK does not have a ...
Is abortion legal in Malta?
Under most circumstances, no. Despite being an essential health service for women, abortion is illegal in Malta, except when a pregnant woman has a complication that may lead to death. However, it is legal for women in Malta to have abortions in ...
Is abortion safe?
Abortion is considered a safe procedure when it is performed with authentic abortion pills according to established protocols, or when it is performed in clinic by a qualified provider. Statistically, abortion has less risk of complications than ...
Can I have more than one abortion?
Yes, it is safe to have more than one abortion. There is no scientific evidence to suggest that the risk of complications increases with the number of abortions. This applies to both abortions with pills and to surgical abortions in clinic. It is, ...
I am less than 8 weeks pregnant and I need an abortion. What are my options?
An abortion with pills at home is the usual method of abortion for pregnancies under 8 weeks. Abortion pills (Mifepristone and Misoprostol) can safely be used at home up to 12 weeks of pregnancy, as long as you have clear instructions on how to use ...
I am between 8 and 12 weeks pregnant and I need an abortion. What are my options?
An abortion with pills is still possible at this stage of pregnancy. You can also travel for a surgical abortion abroad. Abortion pills (Mifepristone and Misoprostol) can safely be used at home up to 12 weeks of pregnancy, as long as you have clear ...
I am between 12 and 24 weeks pregnant and I need an abortion. What are my options?
You could have a surgical abortion in a country that allows second trimester abortions. European countries have different gestational limits up to which abortion is allowed on demand. The UK and the Netherlands are countries with relatively ...
I am over 24 weeks pregnant and I need an abortion. What are my options?
Abortion is allowed only in special cases in the third trimester in some European countries. The UK allows third trimester abortion in cases where the woman's life is at risk or the fetus is affected by an anomaly. Such abortions will require ...
What are unsafe or dangerous abortions?
According to the World Health Organisation, unsafe abortions are those that are not performed using a recommended method that is appropriate for that stage of pregnancy, or are performed by untrained providers or in unsafe environments. Unsafe ...
Can an embryo/fetus feel pain during an abortion?
No. According to research by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG), a fetus does not have the necessary brain connections to feel pain and is unconscious before 24 weeks. Most abortions happen in the first 12 weeks of ...
Can an abortion affect my fertility?
No, an abortion will not affect your ability to have children in the future. However, if you develop a complication you will need to seek help immediately to prevent damage to the uterus.